Me and My Story

Adriani Triharry Rosemerry / 18 yo / let's blogging !!
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
This is the end of my third semester, I did my best to final exam, I do believe and hope that everything's gonna be fine and got 4 for my IP, aamiin ya Robb. I will not tell about something important, but surely I will tell you about my friendship. Recently I realized that a friend is what we called a person who will listening about our sadness or happiness and a person who will speak up when we stay on wrong way.
Yeah, I do have a friend, I love her, my love to her as big as my love to my others best friend, but I realized she doesn't do the same. She makes a war side with me behind me. I don't know what exactly happened till she judge me as a girl with no feeling or someone who always respect to every boy. I'm not such a kind of girl that she thought. I have no words anymore to write. When Im remembering this, my tears always falling down slowly
Kamis, 10 November 2011
morning, today i feel like doing everything. i woke up with a wide smile, everything seems beautiful, im pretty sure that something will be happened. amen #cheers :)
Rabu, 02 November 2011
Thanks for remembering me, boy.
accidentaly I opened and read your twit. I saw words by words, and you know I got BIG shocked!!
these words " ini udah november ya? serasa baru kemarin lewatin november tahun lalu. aaa, time flies so fast. :) " . it was embarassed for me.
and these words perfectly made me become RED " Teringat seseorang.. ap kabar dirimu di sana? kadang ingin bertanya, tapi.. ya sudahlah, Tuhan brsamamu kok, selalu memberikanmu yg terbaik.
thanks boy, thanks for remembering me.
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
boleh disebut MEMALUKAN
hari ini, tepatnya 30 menit yang lalu sebelum posting post ini, gw berangkat kuliah , tunggu cerita sebelum berangkat dulu, lampu di kost an gw mati, gak ada air buat mandi, terpaksa nampungin air didepan kost an, nyiiiiiiiiiiiir banget ah. nah, gw jalan kedepan gang kost an buat nyari angkot yang akan mengantarkan gw menuntut ilmu #lebay #okelupakan. 3 menit gw menunggu akhirnya datanglah sebuah #seekor #sekelebat angkot putih nan bersinar. dia berhenti didepan gw, gw naik dengan anggunnya, gw duduk di bangku yang panjang, *isi angkotnnya cuma 2 orang* , masalah datang ketika gw lagi duduk2 dengan kaki agak #maaf gak sopaaan, angkot melaju dengan kencang, gw nyaman-nyaman aja tanpa berpegangan, seketika tanpa sepengetahuan otak sadar gw, angkot berhenti mendadak, gw? dengan sukses-indah-menawan gw jatuh ke arah supir, anyiiiiiiiiiiiir MALUU. #end
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
I'm back bloggie
sorry bloggie, long time since our last meeting , I promise i will give my BIG attention to you from now. For this time i have some Great picts with my buddies, and you know, you have to see these.
this is with my seniors in soccer match
this is with my beloved @olachic
Senin, 01 Agustus 2011
Holiday Second Semester :D (part 1)
hii my blooggie. i miss you so muchi muchi :*
banyak banget pengalaman yang gue lalui setelah masalah2 yang timbul semenjak januari 2011. yah sekarang totally i have forgotten at all . gue udah punya teman tapi mesra lagi #eaaa His name is AIY. ups inisialnya aja yah. sedikit cerita tentang dia, yah dia cowok baik, dan belom ada kekurangan yang gue temui sampai sekarang . nah IP . IP gue semester ini naiiik. yaeah i have increasing . *thanksALLAH . dari 3.24 menjadi 3.48 :)
gue liburan cukup lama yaah, 2 bulanan sampe pertengahan bulan puasaa. nah liburan kali ini oke bangett deh, tanggal 14-19 july gue diajak keliling Indonesia sama Mama Papa. Lombok-Jakarta-Bogor :)
perjalanan pertama Lombok, banyak banget gue temuin hal baru, budaya baru, dan cakrawala baru. orang2 lombok super ramah, mereka seperti kebanyakan orang minang kok. ini salah satu foto acara adat yaitu nyongkolan :)
bukan acaranya sih, tapi arak-arakanya :) next destination, Gilli Trawangan , paginya gue ke pantai Senggigi, tapi bentar doang, tujuan utama pulau kecil yang disebut Gilli Trawangan. indah banget dah, tapi gue cuma foto-foto bareng bebrapa bule yang bersebaran disana
hahahaha next. hari selanjutnya kita pergi ke Repika Gunung Rinjani, di taman neramada
disana gue masuk pura, kebetulan lagi hari raya umat hindu, ikutan nimbrung deh minum air awet muda, meskipun gak mempercayai itu semua heee. hari itu juga gue terbang bareng mama papa dan rombongan (48 orang-red)
setelah nyampe Jakarta, cuma ke TMII doang, shopping di Mangga Dua, Senen, trus Ke Bogor. nyelinap ke Taman safari hohooo. ini salah satu foto di Anjungan Rumah Gadang di TMII .
nah sampai segitu dulu yak tunggu part 2 nyaaa :*
(/ ´▽`)/"
Rabu, 06 Juli 2011
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
terrible day
hei blogie,
tau ga hari ini gue merasa lelaaaah banget, udah gitu sakit peruuuuuuuuuuutt yang sangat amat ~ sial !!
gatau kenapa jam 3.AM gue kebangun, perut udah sakit, nungging sana nungging sini, semua gaya tidur gue cobain, mulai dari telungkup,kaki diatas, pantat diatas. tetep SAKIT !! -___________-
satu lagi, gue lagi sakit hati sm seseorang, masa' janji banyak ga bisa nepatin satupun !! SETAN !!
yang bikin hari ini tambah hancur, gue MID TEST LISTENING, nah lo? gue gatau sama sekali anjiiiiiiiiiiiir !!
tau ga hari ini gue merasa lelaaaah banget, udah gitu sakit peruuuuuuuuuuutt yang sangat amat ~ sial !!
gatau kenapa jam 3.AM gue kebangun, perut udah sakit, nungging sana nungging sini, semua gaya tidur gue cobain, mulai dari telungkup,kaki diatas, pantat diatas. tetep SAKIT !! -___________-
satu lagi, gue lagi sakit hati sm seseorang, masa' janji banyak ga bisa nepatin satupun !! SETAN !!
yang bikin hari ini tambah hancur, gue MID TEST LISTENING, nah lo? gue gatau sama sekali anjiiiiiiiiiiiir !!
Sabtu, 16 April 2011
Selasa, 05 April 2011
Harry Potter 7 synopsis
assignment from Ms. Lina
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Main Casting
1. Daniel Redcliff as Harry Potter
2. Emma Watson as Harmione Granger
3. Rupert Grin as Ron Weasley
4. Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore
5. Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort
This is the seventh harry potter movie that tells about the final battle harry potter and Voldemort.
after Dumbledore died, Harry decides to find the Horcruxes that shaped pendant, the pendant was stolen from the residence by Regulus Black, after assisted Kreacher, Harry, harmione, and ron went on the trip. middle way, a lot of things happen, such as fights and being chased by Death Eaters. In their escape, Harry finally finds that Godric Gryffindor's sword hidden in a frozen pond in the middle of a forest. He dived into it and found a sword and pendant necklace Horcrux Voldemort. The necklace was trying to strangle Harry and almost drown him to death if not helped by Ron's back. Both destroy the Horcrux with the sword. The three then talked to Xenophilius Lovegood, Luna Lovegood's father, and asking them about Grindelwald's symbol that has appeared many times during their journey. At home Lovegood, Harry, Ron, and Hermione get a story about three brothers ancient witch who defeated death, and each get a magic thing as a result - an unbeatable wand (the Elder Wand-wand elder), magic stone that can turn back the dead (Resurrection Stone-rock revival), and the Invisibility Cloak (cloak of invisibility) that are not timeless. Harry realizes that he has cloak is the cloak, and soon discovered that Lovegood has betrayed and handed them to the Ministry. Luna, his daughter, had been taken prisoner and Xenophilius think to give up Harry Potter in exchange for prisoners. All three get away and think to collect three magic objects Deathly Hallows, to defeat Voldemort.Harry, Ron, and Hermione then arrested and taken to the Malfoy's house. There, Hermione was tortured and interrogated by Bellatrix Lestrange to find out how they get Godric Gryffindor's sword, because he thought they had stolen from the vault at Gringotts. Under the ground, Harry and Ron imprisoned along with Dean Thomas, Griphook goblins, magic wand maker Ollivander, and Luna Lovegood. Harry tried to seek help and Dobby appears to save him. In an effort to escape, they were confronted by Wormtail who then killed by strangulation by hand made silver Wormtail Voldemort without successfully rescued by Ron and Harry. They both then help Hermione with the help of Dobby, who was murdered by Bellatrix.
on this seventh edition also told that, Dumbledore's father is a hater of non-wizards. when harry on the run, the ministry of magic is controlled by Voldemort. Mad Eye died, and the magical world of chaos.
moral values:
1. friendship is very important, trust your best friend.Ron looks at the scene to help Harry destroy returned separately Horcrux.
2. desperately try to quell crime in the world, and believe in your abilities.seen in all parts, Harry, and Ron Harmione always believe they can crush the evil Voldemort.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Main Casting
1. Daniel Redcliff as Harry Potter
2. Emma Watson as Harmione Granger
3. Rupert Grin as Ron Weasley
4. Michael Gambon as Albus Dumbledore
5. Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort
This is the seventh harry potter movie that tells about the final battle harry potter and Voldemort.
after Dumbledore died, Harry decides to find the Horcruxes that shaped pendant, the pendant was stolen from the residence by Regulus Black, after assisted Kreacher, Harry, harmione, and ron went on the trip. middle way, a lot of things happen, such as fights and being chased by Death Eaters. In their escape, Harry finally finds that Godric Gryffindor's sword hidden in a frozen pond in the middle of a forest. He dived into it and found a sword and pendant necklace Horcrux Voldemort. The necklace was trying to strangle Harry and almost drown him to death if not helped by Ron's back. Both destroy the Horcrux with the sword. The three then talked to Xenophilius Lovegood, Luna Lovegood's father, and asking them about Grindelwald's symbol that has appeared many times during their journey. At home Lovegood, Harry, Ron, and Hermione get a story about three brothers ancient witch who defeated death, and each get a magic thing as a result - an unbeatable wand (the Elder Wand-wand elder), magic stone that can turn back the dead (Resurrection Stone-rock revival), and the Invisibility Cloak (cloak of invisibility) that are not timeless. Harry realizes that he has cloak is the cloak, and soon discovered that Lovegood has betrayed and handed them to the Ministry. Luna, his daughter, had been taken prisoner and Xenophilius think to give up Harry Potter in exchange for prisoners. All three get away and think to collect three magic objects Deathly Hallows, to defeat Voldemort.Harry, Ron, and Hermione then arrested and taken to the Malfoy's house. There, Hermione was tortured and interrogated by Bellatrix Lestrange to find out how they get Godric Gryffindor's sword, because he thought they had stolen from the vault at Gringotts. Under the ground, Harry and Ron imprisoned along with Dean Thomas, Griphook goblins, magic wand maker Ollivander, and Luna Lovegood. Harry tried to seek help and Dobby appears to save him. In an effort to escape, they were confronted by Wormtail who then killed by strangulation by hand made silver Wormtail Voldemort without successfully rescued by Ron and Harry. They both then help Hermione with the help of Dobby, who was murdered by Bellatrix.
on this seventh edition also told that, Dumbledore's father is a hater of non-wizards. when harry on the run, the ministry of magic is controlled by Voldemort. Mad Eye died, and the magical world of chaos.
moral values:
1. friendship is very important, trust your best friend.Ron looks at the scene to help Harry destroy returned separately Horcrux.
2. desperately try to quell crime in the world, and believe in your abilities.seen in all parts, Harry, and Ron Harmione always believe they can crush the evil Voldemort.
Minggu, 03 April 2011
Food Around the World
assignments by MR.Zainil
Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
Nim : 18247 / 2010
Class : K4-10
Food Around the World
1. Bobotie
(South African) This popular meal is made of minced lamb or beef; bread, rice or potatoes, onions, and spices. The ingredients are mixed with egg and milk and baked.
2. Cassoulet
(French) This casserole, which means “white bean stew,” is made of white beans, sausage, bacon, tomatoes, carrots, herbs, and other vegetables simmered and is simmered and baked.
3. dim sum
(Chinese) This meal is usually eaten as breakfast or lunch at a restaurant. Waiters push around trays loaded with noodles, dumplings, vegetables, and meat. Diners are served bite-sized portions in small bamboo cups.
4. Enchilada
(Mexican) In this rich dish, a soft corn tortilla is stuffed with shredded cheese, onions, chilies, and sometimes meat. It’s either broiled or fried and topped with salsa and cheese.
5. Feijoada
(Brazil) This is one of the most popular dishes in Brazil. It’s a stew of black beans, pork, and spices. Pigs’ feet and ears are sometimes included in the mix.
6. Moussaka
(Greek) Considered Greece’s signature dish, this casserole is made of lamb, eggplant, tomatoes, and spices.
7. pad thai
(Thai) This Thai staple features rice noodles stir-fried with peanuts, oil, vegetables, and usually tofu, chicken, or fish
8. risotto
(Italian) This creamy, starchy rice dish is made by gradually adding boiling liquid, usually broth, to Arborio rice and sautéed onions. It’s cooked al dente (firm to the bite). Vegetables and seafood are often added during the cooking process.
9. Samosas
(Indian) These snacks are made of meat, potatoes, vegetables, and spices stuffed inside pastry dough and fried in oil.
10. Sushi
(Japanese) This popular meal typically includes cooked rice that is either topped with raw or cooked fish or rolled into small, bite-size pieces with fish and vegetables and wrapped in thin sheets of seaweed. It’s usually served in with slivered ginger and wasabi, a spicy plant in the mustard family.
11. Suya
(Nigerian) This spicy dish is made of cubed chicken or beef marinated in ground peanuts, hot pepper, garlic, ginger, and other spices and grilled on skewers.
Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
Nim : 18247 / 2010
Class : K4-10
Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that form in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters. Evaporation from the seawater increases their power.
Hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around an “eye.” Hurricanes have winds at least 74 miles per hour. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds, and heavy waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. The heavy waves are called a storm surge. Storm surges are very dangerous and a major reason why people MUST stay away from the ocean during a hurricane warning or hurricane.
Hurricane Classification
Hurricanes are classified into five categories, based on their wind speeds and potential to cause damage.
Category One—Winds 74-95 miles per hour
Category Two—Winds 96-110 miles per hour
Category Three—Winds 111-130 miles per hour
Category Four—Winds 131-155 miles per hour
Category Five—Winds greater than 155 miles per hour
In the U.S., the official hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30, but hurricanes can happen any time of the year. Hurricanes are named by the National Weather Service. Some recent hurricanes have been named Opal, Andrew, Marilyn, Hugo and Fran.
Terms to Know
Hurricane Watch A hurricane is possible within 36 hours. Stay tuned to the radio and television for more information. The Hurricane Center is tracking the storm and trying to predict where it may come ashore.
Hurricane Warning A hurricane is expected within 24 hours. You may be told to evacuate. You and your family should begin making preparations to evacuate
Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
Nim : 18247 / 2010
Class : K4-10
Food Around the World
1. Bobotie
(South African) This popular meal is made of minced lamb or beef; bread, rice or potatoes, onions, and spices. The ingredients are mixed with egg and milk and baked.
2. Cassoulet
(French) This casserole, which means “white bean stew,” is made of white beans, sausage, bacon, tomatoes, carrots, herbs, and other vegetables simmered and is simmered and baked.
3. dim sum
(Chinese) This meal is usually eaten as breakfast or lunch at a restaurant. Waiters push around trays loaded with noodles, dumplings, vegetables, and meat. Diners are served bite-sized portions in small bamboo cups.
4. Enchilada
(Mexican) In this rich dish, a soft corn tortilla is stuffed with shredded cheese, onions, chilies, and sometimes meat. It’s either broiled or fried and topped with salsa and cheese.
5. Feijoada
(Brazil) This is one of the most popular dishes in Brazil. It’s a stew of black beans, pork, and spices. Pigs’ feet and ears are sometimes included in the mix.
6. Moussaka
(Greek) Considered Greece’s signature dish, this casserole is made of lamb, eggplant, tomatoes, and spices.
7. pad thai
(Thai) This Thai staple features rice noodles stir-fried with peanuts, oil, vegetables, and usually tofu, chicken, or fish
8. risotto
(Italian) This creamy, starchy rice dish is made by gradually adding boiling liquid, usually broth, to Arborio rice and sautéed onions. It’s cooked al dente (firm to the bite). Vegetables and seafood are often added during the cooking process.
9. Samosas
(Indian) These snacks are made of meat, potatoes, vegetables, and spices stuffed inside pastry dough and fried in oil.
10. Sushi
(Japanese) This popular meal typically includes cooked rice that is either topped with raw or cooked fish or rolled into small, bite-size pieces with fish and vegetables and wrapped in thin sheets of seaweed. It’s usually served in with slivered ginger and wasabi, a spicy plant in the mustard family.
11. Suya
(Nigerian) This spicy dish is made of cubed chicken or beef marinated in ground peanuts, hot pepper, garlic, ginger, and other spices and grilled on skewers.
Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
Nim : 18247 / 2010
Class : K4-10
Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that form in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters. Evaporation from the seawater increases their power.
Hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around an “eye.” Hurricanes have winds at least 74 miles per hour. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds, and heavy waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. The heavy waves are called a storm surge. Storm surges are very dangerous and a major reason why people MUST stay away from the ocean during a hurricane warning or hurricane.
Hurricane Classification
Hurricanes are classified into five categories, based on their wind speeds and potential to cause damage.
Category One—Winds 74-95 miles per hour
Category Two—Winds 96-110 miles per hour
Category Three—Winds 111-130 miles per hour
Category Four—Winds 131-155 miles per hour
Category Five—Winds greater than 155 miles per hour
In the U.S., the official hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30, but hurricanes can happen any time of the year. Hurricanes are named by the National Weather Service. Some recent hurricanes have been named Opal, Andrew, Marilyn, Hugo and Fran.
Terms to Know
Hurricane Watch A hurricane is possible within 36 hours. Stay tuned to the radio and television for more information. The Hurricane Center is tracking the storm and trying to predict where it may come ashore.
Hurricane Warning A hurricane is expected within 24 hours. You may be told to evacuate. You and your family should begin making preparations to evacuate
Because He Is Amazing
Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
NIM : 18247 / 2010 / K4
Because He Is Amazing
When I was in elementary school, there is someone who made my weekends very enjoyable. Not because of the holiday weekend, not because of the cartoon show on television, but because of my oldest brother, I always waited for him. I really enjoy every time with him, everything he does is always great, he was the pride of my family.
When he stepped on the age of 15 years, he decided to live apart from our parents. Every weekend he came home with a soothing smile. At the end of the semester, I've always been a little bit jeaulous, because his good grades are always challenged me. With the spirit of pursuing his ideals, he graduated from senior high school and continues studying to university. He always does all things with all his heart, nothing impossible in his life.
My mom is always smiling with surprising things he did. Just like when he graduated in civil engineering with honors. Every night he read the book to reach his goal of continuing her education to S2 ITB. When the letter of graduation announcement came, he opened the envelope from the post office with cold running dried on his forehead. She believes that god is always there with him, he always walked with confidence to meet the next day's mystery.
I feel his voice trembled when he answered a call from our mother. His voice softly as if to show that he will soon come home safe and bring happiness to our parents. I'm sure, despite his fragile want to go home, his legs still running arrange the pieces of her life is not complete. Once again, he completed his studies in a short time. With a smile that broke, he welcomed the arrival we witnessed the historic day as master of engineering. He was the brother who never gave up.
I often look into his eyes; there I got the answer that he was very satisfied, because it has made our mother smiled loose. Now he teaches me, that life is a struggle that is very beautiful, is not hard but challenging, memories and spirit of it is always pictured in my mind, though he said that the ideals to be achieved with great confidence against ourselves. I believe that all the things we want to depend on our efforts to pursue and look for it.
NIM : 18247 / 2010 / K4
Because He Is Amazing
When I was in elementary school, there is someone who made my weekends very enjoyable. Not because of the holiday weekend, not because of the cartoon show on television, but because of my oldest brother, I always waited for him. I really enjoy every time with him, everything he does is always great, he was the pride of my family.
When he stepped on the age of 15 years, he decided to live apart from our parents. Every weekend he came home with a soothing smile. At the end of the semester, I've always been a little bit jeaulous, because his good grades are always challenged me. With the spirit of pursuing his ideals, he graduated from senior high school and continues studying to university. He always does all things with all his heart, nothing impossible in his life.
My mom is always smiling with surprising things he did. Just like when he graduated in civil engineering with honors. Every night he read the book to reach his goal of continuing her education to S2 ITB. When the letter of graduation announcement came, he opened the envelope from the post office with cold running dried on his forehead. She believes that god is always there with him, he always walked with confidence to meet the next day's mystery.
I feel his voice trembled when he answered a call from our mother. His voice softly as if to show that he will soon come home safe and bring happiness to our parents. I'm sure, despite his fragile want to go home, his legs still running arrange the pieces of her life is not complete. Once again, he completed his studies in a short time. With a smile that broke, he welcomed the arrival we witnessed the historic day as master of engineering. He was the brother who never gave up.
I often look into his eyes; there I got the answer that he was very satisfied, because it has made our mother smiled loose. Now he teaches me, that life is a struggle that is very beautiful, is not hard but challenging, memories and spirit of it is always pictured in my mind, though he said that the ideals to be achieved with great confidence against ourselves. I believe that all the things we want to depend on our efforts to pursue and look for it.
How to Be Happy Without Romantic Love
Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
NIM :18247/ 2010
Writing 1
How to Be Happy Without Romantic Love
Love is something complicated. You can find many things if you are in love, such as happiness, sadness, bitterness and sweetness of love. Everyone needs love. Love can be obtained from parents, siblings, friends and spouses. Love is not being found in the market. So, if you feel less attention by the spouse or your parents, do not feel sad, because life must go on. Thought this period of time may be lonely and uncomfortable, you can still keep happy if you follow a few simple steps.
First, the easiest thing to do is to keep busy. When you are busy with things around you, you will not have time to think about other things like love and solitude. You'd still feel useful and needed by the people around you.
Second, if the activity does not help because you see people are enjoying the love, you can think positively that solitude is better. Think that loneliness is the freedom to enjoy life while. You should think that you keep single and happy because what all you do now is to make someone happier in the future. You also can think that many people from all over the world who still struggle to the death to get freedom.
Third, do the things you enjoy, like hobbies and hanging out with new people around you. You can establish new relationships with people who have never met you on the internet or social networking. it will be something interesting and wonderful.
Of course this is only a few small things you can do to find happiness without love. There are many other things that can be done, but it just depends upon each person. The most important thing is the belief that happiness is definitely there and come on people who are patient and kind.
NIM :18247/ 2010
Writing 1
How to Be Happy Without Romantic Love
Love is something complicated. You can find many things if you are in love, such as happiness, sadness, bitterness and sweetness of love. Everyone needs love. Love can be obtained from parents, siblings, friends and spouses. Love is not being found in the market. So, if you feel less attention by the spouse or your parents, do not feel sad, because life must go on. Thought this period of time may be lonely and uncomfortable, you can still keep happy if you follow a few simple steps.
First, the easiest thing to do is to keep busy. When you are busy with things around you, you will not have time to think about other things like love and solitude. You'd still feel useful and needed by the people around you.
Second, if the activity does not help because you see people are enjoying the love, you can think positively that solitude is better. Think that loneliness is the freedom to enjoy life while. You should think that you keep single and happy because what all you do now is to make someone happier in the future. You also can think that many people from all over the world who still struggle to the death to get freedom.
Third, do the things you enjoy, like hobbies and hanging out with new people around you. You can establish new relationships with people who have never met you on the internet or social networking. it will be something interesting and wonderful.
Of course this is only a few small things you can do to find happiness without love. There are many other things that can be done, but it just depends upon each person. The most important thing is the belief that happiness is definitely there and come on people who are patient and kind.
She is A Tough Girl
Memories of senior high school always pictured when I met this girl. She is a beautiful girl with black glasses. Climb the school fence, punished when it comes to school late, and the fight was her habit. Sometimes, I miss her joke, I miss her laugh. Although she has many problems, she is tough woman who always face the problem without tears. She believes that women are very strong, awesome, and mighty.
Her big eyes make small children cry when they are around. Sometimes he just laughed when a child says that he is a monster. Although the children rarely are like her, she is a woman who loved children, always buy candy for the kids around her house if her money left over. She has long fingers and pretty fingers. When she writes, she uses a pen as if dancing on paper. She always said that someday he would write a letter to the president of Indonesia.
Her goal is to become a stewardess. She always did exercise every Sunday morning for her high increases. But it was no longer done when she knows that his parents wanted her to become a lawyer. When her parents forbid her desire, she did not cry at all, she believes her parent’s choice is the best choice.
One thing she did not like about herself that is her nose. She does not have a sharp nose. If he went to the rest room, she was always facing the mirror and said if his nose is weird. Sometimes I also feel offended if he told his nose was similar to my nose, and then he laughed. Even so, she remained positive thinking that god loves her very much because she has no defects.
Although her life full of joy, one thing is for sure, her heart was sick, in her heart he cried. Both of her parents have been divorced. Sometimes she feels are not getting the attention of both parents. Their parents are too busy. If he was cycling to school, I knew that she was sad. Her long legs would pedal his red bike wherever he wants. I know that she is a strong girl, never cry despite the problems feel heavy for her.
She is a friend and teacher to me. She has sharp words but meaningful. She is a tough girl. Her problems made her more mature. I'm sure; god will give the best course for strong people like her. People who never gave up and tough.
Memories of senior high school always pictured when I met this girl. She is a beautiful girl with black glasses. Climb the school fence, punished when it comes to school late, and the fight was her habit. Sometimes, I miss her joke, I miss her laugh. Although she has many problems, she is tough woman who always face the problem without tears. She believes that women are very strong, awesome, and mighty.
Her big eyes make small children cry when they are around. Sometimes he just laughed when a child says that he is a monster. Although the children rarely are like her, she is a woman who loved children, always buy candy for the kids around her house if her money left over. She has long fingers and pretty fingers. When she writes, she uses a pen as if dancing on paper. She always said that someday he would write a letter to the president of Indonesia.
Her goal is to become a stewardess. She always did exercise every Sunday morning for her high increases. But it was no longer done when she knows that his parents wanted her to become a lawyer. When her parents forbid her desire, she did not cry at all, she believes her parent’s choice is the best choice.
One thing she did not like about herself that is her nose. She does not have a sharp nose. If he went to the rest room, she was always facing the mirror and said if his nose is weird. Sometimes I also feel offended if he told his nose was similar to my nose, and then he laughed. Even so, she remained positive thinking that god loves her very much because she has no defects.
Although her life full of joy, one thing is for sure, her heart was sick, in her heart he cried. Both of her parents have been divorced. Sometimes she feels are not getting the attention of both parents. Their parents are too busy. If he was cycling to school, I knew that she was sad. Her long legs would pedal his red bike wherever he wants. I know that she is a strong girl, never cry despite the problems feel heavy for her.
She is a friend and teacher to me. She has sharp words but meaningful. She is a tough girl. Her problems made her more mature. I'm sure; god will give the best course for strong people like her. People who never gave up and tough.
Minggu, 20 Maret 2011
Muhammad Audri
dear bloggie, i do apologize before to Muhammad Audri, because name of this note is his name.
I have known him for more than a year ago, initially we only knew each other in a social networking, facebook. he lived in bukittinggi, while I lived in pariaman. but as the running time, I felt something strange, something that makes me always want to close. he is shy lelaku very funny to me. all he does is something that can make me laugh. April 1, 2010, we deliberately changed the status on facebook from single to married. I thought he did not come to myhometown. there our first time meeting. meeting even add my curiosity about him. I started to really like him. because I have to follow the guidance to learn to bandung, we were separated in a great distance for 2 months. before leaving, with a very surprising he would take me away.
to be continued :)
I have known him for more than a year ago, initially we only knew each other in a social networking, facebook. he lived in bukittinggi, while I lived in pariaman. but as the running time, I felt something strange, something that makes me always want to close. he is shy lelaku very funny to me. all he does is something that can make me laugh. April 1, 2010, we deliberately changed the status on facebook from single to married. I thought he did not come to myhometown. there our first time meeting. meeting even add my curiosity about him. I started to really like him. because I have to follow the guidance to learn to bandung, we were separated in a great distance for 2 months. before leaving, with a very surprising he would take me away.
to be continued :)
hmm :)
my favorite songs :)
Guess this means you’re sorry
You’re standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
All you said before
Like how much you wanted
Anyone but me
Said you’d never come back
But here you are again
Cuz we belong together, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life would suck without you
Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin’ to pick a fight
I know that I’ve got issues
But you’re pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I’m nothing without you
Cuz we belong together, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life would suck without you
Being with you is so disfunctional
I really shouldn’t miss you
But I can’t let you go
Oh yeah
Cuz we belong together, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life would suck without you
Cuz we belong together, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
Guess this means you’re sorry
You’re standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
All you said before
Like how much you wanted
Anyone but me
Said you’d never come back
But here you are again
Cuz we belong together, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life would suck without you
Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin’ to pick a fight
I know that I’ve got issues
But you’re pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I’m nothing without you
Cuz we belong together, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life would suck without you
Being with you is so disfunctional
I really shouldn’t miss you
But I can’t let you go
Oh yeah
Cuz we belong together, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life would suck without you
Cuz we belong together, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
Kamis, 17 Maret 2011
i just like but dont love him .
sorry for my friend that i took your picture in your facebook :p
this note just for fun, but im not make a joke with this.
this is my friend, actually i dont know him well but everyday i usually met him in my college. yah, he is Muhammad Hafiz Khan (facebook nya) . i didnt tell i use his picture in this note
he is good looking person. i like him, but it's not love feeling.
everyone in my class knew that i interested in him. sometimes i think he knows that i often pay attention to him . haa so shameeeeeeee !!
#dedicated to all my friends in K4 that i dont love him
this note just for fun, but im not make a joke with this.
this is my friend, actually i dont know him well but everyday i usually met him in my college. yah, he is Muhammad Hafiz Khan (facebook nya) . i didnt tell i use his picture in this note
he is good looking person. i like him, but it's not love feeling.
everyone in my class knew that i interested in him. sometimes i think he knows that i often pay attention to him . haa so shameeeeeeee !!
#dedicated to all my friends in K4 that i dont love him
Rabu, 16 Maret 2011
debate .!!
before read. i want to sing a part of a song :)
"You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah" ---> just intermezooo (yaks gajelas banget)
in fact, hard for me to forget all the memories, but you've started, and I will obey. this afternoon when I saw my wallet, your pictures are still there, sometimes heart cry, but everyone around me always strengthens.
this time not offend the feelings of a problem anymore. It's all about this afternoon, I and my friends followed the opening of the English debate club. next week we will be selected to participate in a debate competition late April.
I really enjoy being in the club. one of the most interesting part of this club is kak nurul huda. she is the greatest motivator that why I was in this club, she was just a year upon me, but she has represented the campus to debate the national level.
I pray that one day I can exceed kak nurul huda. she was amazing.
"You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah" ---> just intermezooo (yaks gajelas banget)
in fact, hard for me to forget all the memories, but you've started, and I will obey. this afternoon when I saw my wallet, your pictures are still there, sometimes heart cry, but everyone around me always strengthens.
this time not offend the feelings of a problem anymore. It's all about this afternoon, I and my friends followed the opening of the English debate club. next week we will be selected to participate in a debate competition late April.
I really enjoy being in the club. one of the most interesting part of this club is kak nurul huda. she is the greatest motivator that why I was in this club, she was just a year upon me, but she has represented the campus to debate the national level.
I pray that one day I can exceed kak nurul huda. she was amazing.
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
My Story
I was born 16 November 1992 in the town of Pariaman, West Sumatra. I was born early in the morning when everyone was praying Shubuh. My parents are natives of Minangkabau. we do not have mixed blood, however I was born with bright skin. My family is a simple and harmonious family, it made me grow into a cheerful child. I was the third of four brothers, and I was the only daughter. My third brother was always spoiling me. Nevertheless , I am not open with all my brothers.
when I was three years old, my parents find hidden talent in me. They know if I really like singing. They tried to register me into a studio vocals, but I refused. In elementary school, I participated in the school choir. I also follow the school choir during high school junior and senior high school. Frankly, did I really like singing, but always be ashamed to appear in public. One day when the senior high school, I very bravely singing contest in my town, and I represent my city in western Sumatra after the contest. Since then that I am no longer ashamed to appear in public.
I was so obsessed with becoming a doctor. Therefore I always try to actively and diligently. Since junior high school I started to like biology lesson, but when I entered high school senior I do not want anymore to be a doctor. I tried to love the English language because I want to be a student of international relations at the university. My parents did not approve of my ideals. After graduating high school seniors to continue my education in English majors, as recommended my parents.
Although now I'm not in the majors that I did not want, but I am very happy and enjoy studying in the department of English. I hope I can apply the knowledge I had acquired in this course to others in the community. I believe that one day I can be a professor or a great ambassador.
*dedicated to my beloved lecturer
when I was three years old, my parents find hidden talent in me. They know if I really like singing. They tried to register me into a studio vocals, but I refused. In elementary school, I participated in the school choir. I also follow the school choir during high school junior and senior high school. Frankly, did I really like singing, but always be ashamed to appear in public. One day when the senior high school, I very bravely singing contest in my town, and I represent my city in western Sumatra after the contest. Since then that I am no longer ashamed to appear in public.
I was so obsessed with becoming a doctor. Therefore I always try to actively and diligently. Since junior high school I started to like biology lesson, but when I entered high school senior I do not want anymore to be a doctor. I tried to love the English language because I want to be a student of international relations at the university. My parents did not approve of my ideals. After graduating high school seniors to continue my education in English majors, as recommended my parents.
Although now I'm not in the majors that I did not want, but I am very happy and enjoy studying in the department of English. I hope I can apply the knowledge I had acquired in this course to others in the community. I believe that one day I can be a professor or a great ambassador.
*dedicated to my beloved lecturer
Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011
Break Break Break my heart.
dear blogggiiiiee.
today is one day trip day. hahaa asiih bangett deh meskipun bangun jam 5 dan ngumpul jam setengah 7 gue having fun banget bareng temen2 di kampus.
gue bakalan ceritain soal ODT setelah gue ceritain kalo hari ini gue PUTUS !! memang sih gue shock dan naangis, tapi its better lah daripada ga ada kejelasan, meskipun putus, gue tetep syg sm dia :) *itu pasti* semoga dia baik2 ajaa. makasih yaa selama ini, mungkin terlalu susah buat bersatu. susah menurut kamu.
kembali ke ODT (ga boleh berlarut2 dalam kesedihan) kita ke TKP pake bus , tapi karna overload isi kelas dan bus ga memadai buat namoung semua, terpaksa sebagian dipindahin, gue anna ola liza siska suci epil yosi ayu dan rini dipindahin ke bus lain bersama senior2, yg cowok bang andre bang fandy rafky bang bel dan usman jugaa, udh sempit, mogok 1 jam arrgghh sumpah bete !!
pas acara kita tampil dengan sanagt memuaskan, semua penonton menyukai penampilan bakat dan yel2 kita meskipun yg menang cuma yel2. tapi kita bangga !! tadi kita juga berenang bareng,eh ada si H**** , idiiiih bikin malu pisan :p hahahahahah
pas pulang bus kita nabrak mootor -_- lengkap sudah semua penderitaan, pas nyampe kampus lagi, kita ngumpul buat makan malam, laaaaaaaaaaaah yang paling asiik itu y makan2 inii, sampe jam 10 kita malam mingguan rameee. i lovee you all K4 !!!!
today is one day trip day. hahaa asiih bangett deh meskipun bangun jam 5 dan ngumpul jam setengah 7 gue having fun banget bareng temen2 di kampus.
gue bakalan ceritain soal ODT setelah gue ceritain kalo hari ini gue PUTUS !! memang sih gue shock dan naangis, tapi its better lah daripada ga ada kejelasan, meskipun putus, gue tetep syg sm dia :) *itu pasti* semoga dia baik2 ajaa. makasih yaa selama ini, mungkin terlalu susah buat bersatu. susah menurut kamu.
kembali ke ODT (ga boleh berlarut2 dalam kesedihan) kita ke TKP pake bus , tapi karna overload isi kelas dan bus ga memadai buat namoung semua, terpaksa sebagian dipindahin, gue anna ola liza siska suci epil yosi ayu dan rini dipindahin ke bus lain bersama senior2, yg cowok bang andre bang fandy rafky bang bel dan usman jugaa, udh sempit, mogok 1 jam arrgghh sumpah bete !!
pas acara kita tampil dengan sanagt memuaskan, semua penonton menyukai penampilan bakat dan yel2 kita meskipun yg menang cuma yel2. tapi kita bangga !! tadi kita juga berenang bareng,eh ada si H**** , idiiiih bikin malu pisan :p hahahahahah
pas pulang bus kita nabrak mootor -_- lengkap sudah semua penderitaan, pas nyampe kampus lagi, kita ngumpul buat makan malam, laaaaaaaaaaaah yang paling asiik itu y makan2 inii, sampe jam 10 kita malam mingguan rameee. i lovee you all K4 !!!!
Rabu, 09 Maret 2011
curcol sama ucuphulk :)
it was a great day with my new friend . yeah his name Ahmad Irfan Yusuf. i called him ucuphulk, his ID in Yahoo Messenger. he just like a crazy man. many things that ive told to him. about my problems. problems in a relationship, about my assignments , about my job in my college. it's too hard if i didn't tell those my problems to him.
malam ini sih asik yaa, unek-unek dikepala ilang, pikiran tentang cowok yg gue syg juga udh plong, nah skg beda sm malam2 sebelumnya , si ucuphulk cerita tentnag mantannya yg kayak nenek sihir, kasiaaan banget dah, maunya sih nolongin dia, tapi apa mau dikata , kita beda pulau. hahahaa,.
mungkin itu aja dulu untuk malam ini. bye :)
malam ini sih asik yaa, unek-unek dikepala ilang, pikiran tentang cowok yg gue syg juga udh plong, nah skg beda sm malam2 sebelumnya , si ucuphulk cerita tentnag mantannya yg kayak nenek sihir, kasiaaan banget dah, maunya sih nolongin dia, tapi apa mau dikata , kita beda pulau. hahahaa,.
mungkin itu aja dulu untuk malam ini. bye :)
Selasa, 08 Maret 2011
curahaan hati gw setelah beberapa minggu yang susah ini.
note ini dimulai dengan David Archuleta-My hands- dan air mata yang sedang mengucur. #maav gue lagi ga mood becanda. jujur gw bener-bener lagi butuh tempat bersandar. setelah minggu2 sulit belakangan. tugas banyak, kegiatan banyak. tempat bersandar yang dulu selalu ada untuk menghilangkan semua masalah sekarang sudah tak tau kemana-bagaimana kabarnya-ada apa dengannya. gw juga gatau gimana hubungan kita. mungkin dia nyaman tanpa gw. tapi gw? gw hancur tanpa dia. ga tau kenapa, air mata gw masih mengalir. seandainya gw tau apa yg sebenernay terjadi mungkin gw bisa melakukan sesuatu untuk memperjelas keadaann yang membuat hati teriris.
ya allah mungkin gw sering lupa kewajiban gw, tapi gw minta cuma satu, beri dia yang gue sayang kemampuan untuk mngomong sama gw apa yang terjadi dengan dia, ngomong apakah dia bener-bener lupa sama gw. setidaknya ada kabar.
yang pasti dia ga akan tau sekarang kalo gw lagi mikirin dia dan gw masih sgt sayang dia. meskipun mungkin dia tidak. gw pasrah. yang penting dia bahagia.
note ini dimulai dengan David Archuleta-My hands- dan air mata yang sedang mengucur. #maav gue lagi ga mood becanda. jujur gw bener-bener lagi butuh tempat bersandar. setelah minggu2 sulit belakangan. tugas banyak, kegiatan banyak. tempat bersandar yang dulu selalu ada untuk menghilangkan semua masalah sekarang sudah tak tau kemana-bagaimana kabarnya-ada apa dengannya. gw juga gatau gimana hubungan kita. mungkin dia nyaman tanpa gw. tapi gw? gw hancur tanpa dia. ga tau kenapa, air mata gw masih mengalir. seandainya gw tau apa yg sebenernay terjadi mungkin gw bisa melakukan sesuatu untuk memperjelas keadaann yang membuat hati teriris.
ya allah mungkin gw sering lupa kewajiban gw, tapi gw minta cuma satu, beri dia yang gue sayang kemampuan untuk mngomong sama gw apa yang terjadi dengan dia, ngomong apakah dia bener-bener lupa sama gw. setidaknya ada kabar.
yang pasti dia ga akan tau sekarang kalo gw lagi mikirin dia dan gw masih sgt sayang dia. meskipun mungkin dia tidak. gw pasrah. yang penting dia bahagia.
Task from Mrs. Siti Fatimah. (HOMETOWN)
My Hometown
My hometown is a place where I cherished good memories and spend most of my lifetime. That would be Pariaman. Pariaman is a beautiful city with so fascinating beaches. I spent my childhood in Pariaman. I also met all my friends in Pariaman and got good education there. I can do a lot of interesting stuffs there like a visiting tourist attractions, watch traditional festivals are held there, and bicycle tour in the city every evening.
Pariaman is a city that has a beach with beautiful views. Around the coast there are many small islands are stunning. Along the road there are also traders who sell a variety of seafood and coconut ice. I like visiting the beach in the afternoon, when the sun is going to set.
Besides having beautiful beaches, Pariaman also have a festival that is very big and famous. Festival is named Tabuik. Tabuik held once every year to mark the Islamic New year. Every year, Tabuik always attracts many visitors, not only local tourists but also foreign tourists. Several years ago Tabuik at shows in U.S., all citizens of the city Pariaman feel very proud, especially me.
Pariaman is a bustling and busy city, but traffic jams are rarely happens. Regular city layout makes Pariaman feels roomy, so I take advantage of city streets by bicycle in the afternoon. I love biking in the afternoon, because many citizens do the same with me.
It is a few reasons why I love the pariaman. Although Pariaman is a small city, but I am very confident that all visitors will not regret coming to Pariaman. City with a thousand wonders.
My hometown is a place where I cherished good memories and spend most of my lifetime. That would be Pariaman. Pariaman is a beautiful city with so fascinating beaches. I spent my childhood in Pariaman. I also met all my friends in Pariaman and got good education there. I can do a lot of interesting stuffs there like a visiting tourist attractions, watch traditional festivals are held there, and bicycle tour in the city every evening.
Pariaman is a city that has a beach with beautiful views. Around the coast there are many small islands are stunning. Along the road there are also traders who sell a variety of seafood and coconut ice. I like visiting the beach in the afternoon, when the sun is going to set.
Besides having beautiful beaches, Pariaman also have a festival that is very big and famous. Festival is named Tabuik. Tabuik held once every year to mark the Islamic New year. Every year, Tabuik always attracts many visitors, not only local tourists but also foreign tourists. Several years ago Tabuik at shows in U.S., all citizens of the city Pariaman feel very proud, especially me.
Pariaman is a bustling and busy city, but traffic jams are rarely happens. Regular city layout makes Pariaman feels roomy, so I take advantage of city streets by bicycle in the afternoon. I love biking in the afternoon, because many citizens do the same with me.
It is a few reasons why I love the pariaman. Although Pariaman is a small city, but I am very confident that all visitors will not regret coming to Pariaman. City with a thousand wonders.
Senin, 07 Maret 2011
ill be right here waiting for you sweetheart.
Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting Lyrics
Oceans apart day after day and I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line but it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never how can we say forever
* Wherever you go whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times that I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears but I can't get near you now
Oh, can't you see it baby you've got me goin' crazy
[Repeat *]
I wonder how we can survive this romance
But in the end if I'm with you I'll take the chance
Oh, can't you see it baby you've got me goin' crazy
[Repeat *]
powered by lirik lagu indonesia
please make it clear. i dont strong enough :( sometimes i just felt i could give up
Minggu, 06 Maret 2011
FB kuuuu dibajak !
udah 2 hari sengaja ga buka FB eh pas dibuka error terus .
tau-taunya dibajaK . :(
YA ALLAH ampunilah dosa yang ngehack ! ga mungkin bikin FB baruu :(
please someone help meeeeeeeeeee.
tau-taunya dibajaK . :(
YA ALLAH ampunilah dosa yang ngehack ! ga mungkin bikin FB baruu :(
please someone help meeeeeeeeeee.
Selasa, 01 Maret 2011
lets start this morning with WRITING 1. :)
pagi ini 2 Maret 2011, kami anak K4 akan mempresentasikan essay di Writing 1 bersama my beloved PA Siti Fatimah. be a greatday !!
Senin, 28 Februari 2011
makasih yaa..
mungkin beda sama judul nya.kali ini gw cuma mau bilang, kalo gw ga nyanka aja kejadiannya bakal gini. susaah banget, maav kalo selama ini gw kekanak-kanakan. udah sering gw bilang kalo gw manja. gw MANJA !!!!!!!!
perih ya, perih bangett malah. gw mau penjelasan, gw ga mau digantung ahh. pleasee, mengertilah, apa pun keputusannya gw terimaa. jujur. capek tau di sia-siakan ginii.
perih ya, perih bangett malah. gw mau penjelasan, gw ga mau digantung ahh. pleasee, mengertilah, apa pun keputusannya gw terimaa. jujur. capek tau di sia-siakan ginii.
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011
a new day has come !!
gatau lah yaa. hari perasaan lega banget, sumpah !! meskipun tadi pagi bete soalnya belajar Writing 1 ga asik, alias membuat mata gw sukses NGANTUK :p
secara tidak langsung mungkin belum tentu kebenarannya, gw cuma mencari makna tersirat, mudah-mudahan feeling bener. amin.
sesuai dengan gambar diatas,gw mimpi indah, (mudah-mudahan pertanda baik).
seorang laki-laki yang gw sayangi secara sadar mengajak gw ke Paris , azee . gw emang kepikiran dua hal ini terus belakangan, jadinya mimpii dehh
mulai hari ini gw tekankan pada diri sendiri, hanya ada positive thinking,semangat,rasa percaya. gw ga boleh males, ga boleh negative thinking, ga boleh manjaa !! a new day has comee Merrr !!!!!
secara tidak langsung mungkin belum tentu kebenarannya, gw cuma mencari makna tersirat, mudah-mudahan feeling bener. amin.
sesuai dengan gambar diatas,gw mimpi indah, (mudah-mudahan pertanda baik).
seorang laki-laki yang gw sayangi secara sadar mengajak gw ke Paris , azee . gw emang kepikiran dua hal ini terus belakangan, jadinya mimpii dehh
mulai hari ini gw tekankan pada diri sendiri, hanya ada positive thinking,semangat,rasa percaya. gw ga boleh males, ga boleh negative thinking, ga boleh manjaa !! a new day has comee Merrr !!!!!
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
undescribable :)
satu pelajaran yang saya dapat hari ini. seorang bapak2 mengatakan kalau hati berbicara mulut pun terkunci . jika kamu yakin, biarlah hati yang mengurusnya, satu hal lagi,percayakan semuanya akan indah, maka "INDAH" itu lah akhir dari perjalanan cintamu
sorry, just kidding.
dear my blog.
hari ini gue lagi sakit, pusing, tapi bukan itu yang ingin gue tekankan disini,pada cerita kita kali ini.
sebenernya gue sekarang sedang mengalami masa transisi, dimana gue mencari kedewasaan. gue tau umur gue udah 18,dan pastinya di umur itu seseorang harus dewasa dalm segala hal. tau menempatkan diri dan bersikap positiv terhadap masalah.
setiap hari dikampus gue komunikasi sama temen2 gue sama senior2 gue dan lainnya.
gue deket dengan beberapa laki-laki mereka gue anggap abang gue. gue curhat tentang cowok gue mereka curhat tentang cowok mereka. setiap kali kita ngobrol,abang-abang gue selalu nanya kabar gue dan cowok gue, kita juga sering becandaan. salah satu dari mereka bernama R*fki. temen gue ini satu kelas sama gue,temen2 becandain gue kalo gue suka sama dia, padahal enggak sama sekali. suatu hari ketika dosen ga masuk kita sekelas becanda2 gitu gue foto2 bareng temen2 termasuk R*fki disana kita main tembak-tembakan. nah ini nih mulai masalah. gue dengan sangat memalukan becanda2 sama R*fki bilang2 cinta. eh awalnya sih cuma beberapa orang yang ikut,ternyata satu kelas ngeliat,mereka nyangka nya itu beneran ya pasti ENGGAK LAH . zz
gue udah jatuh cinta sama cowok yang dengan sangat sabar menemani gue semenjak april 2010. R*fki pun udah punya cewek . tapi tetep aja kita diketawa2in berdua, gue ga mau terjadi salah paham ,mana bikin2 nama di FB lagi. hubungan sahabatn gue kan jadi ga harmonis.
satu lagi, kakak senior gue. awalnya gue cuma bilang kalo dia itu putih dan tinggi, eh temen2 malah nyangka nya gue suka. gue jabanin keinginan mereka. ehh malah menjadi tiap ketemu diketawain. gue tegasin ya. GUE GA PERNAH SUKA SAMA COWOK LAIN SEKARANG. GUE CUMA SAYANG COWOK GUE. meskipun gue gatau apakah dia juga masih sangat mencintai gue. maav ya bang, itu yang heboh cuma temen2 gue. gue nya nganggap lo sebagai abang gue aja.
masalah ga itu aja. tadi gue masuk kelas listening 1 sama dosen baru. dosen ini muda banget. cowok. gue bilang kalo gue suka sama cara ngajar dan kepribadian dia. eh malah digosipin.-_-
ga bisa ya gue becanda dikit.
hari ini gue lagi sakit, pusing, tapi bukan itu yang ingin gue tekankan disini,pada cerita kita kali ini.
sebenernya gue sekarang sedang mengalami masa transisi, dimana gue mencari kedewasaan. gue tau umur gue udah 18,dan pastinya di umur itu seseorang harus dewasa dalm segala hal. tau menempatkan diri dan bersikap positiv terhadap masalah.
setiap hari dikampus gue komunikasi sama temen2 gue sama senior2 gue dan lainnya.
gue deket dengan beberapa laki-laki mereka gue anggap abang gue. gue curhat tentang cowok gue mereka curhat tentang cowok mereka. setiap kali kita ngobrol,abang-abang gue selalu nanya kabar gue dan cowok gue, kita juga sering becandaan. salah satu dari mereka bernama R*fki. temen gue ini satu kelas sama gue,temen2 becandain gue kalo gue suka sama dia, padahal enggak sama sekali. suatu hari ketika dosen ga masuk kita sekelas becanda2 gitu gue foto2 bareng temen2 termasuk R*fki disana kita main tembak-tembakan. nah ini nih mulai masalah. gue dengan sangat memalukan becanda2 sama R*fki bilang2 cinta. eh awalnya sih cuma beberapa orang yang ikut,ternyata satu kelas ngeliat,mereka nyangka nya itu beneran ya pasti ENGGAK LAH . zz
gue udah jatuh cinta sama cowok yang dengan sangat sabar menemani gue semenjak april 2010. R*fki pun udah punya cewek . tapi tetep aja kita diketawa2in berdua, gue ga mau terjadi salah paham ,mana bikin2 nama di FB lagi. hubungan sahabatn gue kan jadi ga harmonis.
satu lagi, kakak senior gue. awalnya gue cuma bilang kalo dia itu putih dan tinggi, eh temen2 malah nyangka nya gue suka. gue jabanin keinginan mereka. ehh malah menjadi tiap ketemu diketawain. gue tegasin ya. GUE GA PERNAH SUKA SAMA COWOK LAIN SEKARANG. GUE CUMA SAYANG COWOK GUE. meskipun gue gatau apakah dia juga masih sangat mencintai gue. maav ya bang, itu yang heboh cuma temen2 gue. gue nya nganggap lo sebagai abang gue aja.
masalah ga itu aja. tadi gue masuk kelas listening 1 sama dosen baru. dosen ini muda banget. cowok. gue bilang kalo gue suka sama cara ngajar dan kepribadian dia. eh malah digosipin.-_-
ga bisa ya gue becanda dikit.
Rabu, 23 Februari 2011
Minggu, 20 Februari 2011
SPC ke 10 ya sekarang?
hadeh, lupa kalo tadi itu SPC. kalo inget-inget soal SPC jadi inget 2 tahun yang lalu. tanggal 11 Januari 2009. ga nyangka aja jadi ketua pelaksana lomba Fisika waktu itu. sebagai anggota inti OSIS di SMA N 1 Pariaman, saya ga nyangka dengan perubahan di diri saya, yang dulu nya cewek cerewet tapi ga PD, menjadi si cerewet yang sangat PD. dari SPC saya belajar kalau dibutuhkan kesabaran super untuk menghadapi masalah. mulai dari bikin proposal, ngajuin proposal , nungguin dana,kesana-kemari, rapat ini itu. haaaaa..
mudah2an SPC tahun ini berhasil yaa. seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
mudah2an SPC tahun ini berhasil yaa. seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
Kamis, 17 Februari 2011
hek. 3 haroi ga apdet nih
senin malam. gue dihujat dihina difitnah sm org bermulut maniss. sampe nangis malem2. besoknya mata bengakak. masa' yaa ada gitu orang yg sama beda kepribadian. sial !! gue seneng sm pacar gue. gue syg dia ! gamau gue berpaling !! SE**N lo !!
haaaaaaah, temen sekaligus abang gue yang paling deket sm gue terpaksa jauuh lagi. maav ya kak, gue ga pernah sedikitpun niat buat deketin si abang ini. kita cuma sahabatan sekaligus temen kuliah. gue gatau kalo ini sampai berdampak buruk bagi hubungan kalian. :(
apa yaa? ga spesial nih, cuma ketawa2 seharian ga jelas di ruangan Siaran :D
yeeeeeeeeeee. kali ini belajar sm miss Brita , dari Australi. asik dehhh.
senin malam. gue dihujat dihina difitnah sm org bermulut maniss. sampe nangis malem2. besoknya mata bengakak. masa' yaa ada gitu orang yg sama beda kepribadian. sial !! gue seneng sm pacar gue. gue syg dia ! gamau gue berpaling !! SE**N lo !!
haaaaaaah, temen sekaligus abang gue yang paling deket sm gue terpaksa jauuh lagi. maav ya kak, gue ga pernah sedikitpun niat buat deketin si abang ini. kita cuma sahabatan sekaligus temen kuliah. gue gatau kalo ini sampai berdampak buruk bagi hubungan kalian. :(
apa yaa? ga spesial nih, cuma ketawa2 seharian ga jelas di ruangan Siaran :D
yeeeeeeeeeee. kali ini belajar sm miss Brita , dari Australi. asik dehhh.
Senin, 14 Februari 2011
In grammar, an adjective is a word whose main syntactic role is to qualify a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified. Adjectives are one of the traditional eight English parts of speech, though linguists today distinguish adjectives from words such as determiners that were formerly considered to be adjectives. In this paragraph, "main", "more", and "traditional" are adjectives.
Most but not all languages have adjectives. Those that do not typically use words of another part of speech, often verbs, to serve the same semantic function; for example, such a language might have a verb that means "to be big", and would use a construction analogous to "big-being house" to express what English expresses as "big house". Even in languages that do have adjectives, one language's adjective might not be another's; for example, while English uses "to be hungry" (hungry being an adjective), French and Spanish use "avoir faim" and "tener hambre" respectively (literally "to have hunger", hunger being a noun), and where Hebrew uses the adjective English uses the verb "to need".
Adjectives form an open class of words in most languages that have them; that is, it is relatively common for new adjectives to be formed via such processes as derivation.
1 Adjectives and adverbs
2 Determiners
3 Form
4 Adjectival phrases
5 Other noun modifiers
6 Adjective order
7 Comparison of adjectives
8 Restrictiveness
9 Agreement
10 See also
11 Bibliography
12 External links
Adjectives and adverbs
Many languages, including English, distinguish between adjectives, which qualify nouns and pronouns, and adverbs, which modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Not all languages have exactly this distinction, however, and many languages, including English, have words that can function as both. For example, in English fast is an adjective in "a fast car" (where it qualifies the noun car), but an adverb in "he drove fast" (where it modifies the verb drove)
Linguists today distinguish determiners from adjectives, considering them to be two separate parts of speech (or lexical categories), but formerly determiners were considered to be adjectives in some of their uses. In English dictionaries, which typically still do not treat determiners as their own part of speech, determiners are often recognizable by being listed both as adjectives and as pronouns. Determiners are words that are neither nouns nor pronouns, yet reference a thing already in context. Determiners generally do this by indicating definiteness (as in a vs. the), quantity (as in one vs. some vs. many), or another such property.
A given occurrence of an adjective can generally be classified into one of four kinds of uses:
Attributive adjectives are part of the noun phrase headed by the noun they modify; for example, happy is an attributive adjective in "happy people". In some languages, attributive adjectives precede their nouns; in others, they follow their nouns; and in yet others, it depends on the adjective, or on the exact relationship of the adjective to the noun. In English, attributive adjectives usually precede their nouns in simple phrases, but often follow their nouns when the adjective is modified or qualified by a phrase acting as an adverb. For example: "I saw three happy kids", and "I saw three kids happy enough to jump up and down with glee." See also Post-positive adjective.
Predicative adjectives are linked via a copula or other linking mechanism to the noun or pronoun they modify; for example, happy is a predicate adjective in "they are happy" and in "that made me happy." (See also: Predicative (adjectival or nominal), Subject complement.)
Absolute adjectives do not belong to a larger construction (aside from a larger adjective phrase), and typically modify either the subject of a sentence or whatever noun or pronoun they are closest to; for example, happy is an absolute adjective in "The boy, happy with his lollipop, did not look where he was going."
Nominal adjectives act almost as nouns. One way this can happen is if a noun is elided and an attributive adjective is left behind. In the sentence, "I read two books to them; he preferred the sad book, but she preferred the happy", happy is a nominal adjective, short for "happy one" or "happy book". Another way this can happen is in phrases like "out with the old, in with the new", where "the old" means, "that which is old" or "all that is old", and similarly with "the new". In such cases, the adjective functions either as a mass noun (as in the preceding example) or as a plural count noun, as in "The meek shall inherit the Earth", where "the meek" means "those who are meek" or "all who are meek".
Adjectival phrases
Main article: Adjectival phrase
An adjective acts as the head of an adjectival phrase. In the simplest case, an adjectival phrase consists solely of the adjective; more complex adjectival phrases may contain one or more adverbs modifying the adjective ("very strong"), or one or more complements (such as "worth several dollars", "full of toys", or "eager to please"). In English, attributive adjectival phrases that include complements typically follow their subject ("an evildoer devoid of redeeming qualities").
Other noun modifiers
In many languages, including English, it is possible for nouns to modify other nouns. Unlike adjectives, nouns acting as modifiers (called attributive nouns or noun adjuncts) are not predicative; a beautiful park is beautiful, but a car park is not "car". In plain English, the modifier often indicates origin ("Virginia reel"), purpose ("work clothes"), or semantic patient ("man eater"). However, it can generally indicate almost any semantic relationship. It is also common for adjectives to be derived from nouns, as in English boyish, birdlike, behavioral, famous, manly, angelic, and so on.
Many languages have special verbal forms called participles can act as noun modifiers. In some languages, including English, there is a strong tendency for participles to evolve into adjectives. English examples of this include relieved (the past participle of the verb relieve, used as an adjective in sentences (such as "I am so relieved to see you"), spoken (as in "the spoken word"), and going (the present participle of the verb go, used as an adjective in sentences such as "Ten dollars per hour is the going rate").
Other constructs that often modify nouns include prepositional phrases (as in English "a rebel without a cause"), relative clauses (as in English "the man who wasn't there"), other adjective clauses (as in English "the bookstore where he worked"), and infinitive phrases (as in English "cake to die for").
In relation, many nouns take complements such as content clauses (as in English "the idea that I would do that"); these are not commonly considered modifiers, however.
Adjective order
In many languages, attributive adjectives usually occur in a specific order. Generally, the adjective order in English is:
quantity or number
proper adjective (often nationality or other place of origin)
purpose or qualifier
So, in English, adjectives pertaining to size precede adjectives pertaining to age ("little old", not "old little"), which in turn generally precede adjectives pertaining to color ("old white", not "white old"). So, we would say "A nice (opinion) little (size) old (age) white (color) brick (material) house".
Due to borrowings from French, English has some adjectives which follow the noun as postmodifiers. They may even change meaning depending on whether they precede or follow, as in proper: They live in a proper town (a real town) vs. They live in the town proper (in the town itself).
This order may be more rigid in some languages than others; in some, like Spanish, it may only be a default (unmarked) word order, with other orders being permissible.
Comparison of adjectives
Main articles: Comparison (grammar) and Comparative
In many languages, adjectives can be compared. In English, for example, we can say that a car is big, that it is bigger than another is, or that it is the biggest car of all. Not all adjectives lend themselves to comparison, however; for example, the English adjective extinct is not considered comparable, in that it does not make sense to describe one species as "more extinct" than another. However, even most non-comparable English adjectives are still sometimes compared; for example, one might say that a language about which nothing is known is "more extinct" than a well-documented language with surviving literature but no speakers. This is not a comparison of the degree of intensity of the adjective, but rather the degree to which the object fits the adjective's definition.
Comparable adjectives are also known as "gradable" adjectives, because they tend to allow grading adverbs such as very, rather, and so on.
Among languages that allow adjectives to be compared in this way, different approaches are used. Indeed, even within English, two different approaches are used: the suffixes -er and -est, and the words more and most. (In English, the general tendency is for shorter adjectives and adjectives from Anglo-Saxon to use -er and -est, and for longer adjectives and adjectives from French, Latin, Greek, and other languages to use more and most.) By either approach, English adjectives therefore have positive forms (big), comparative forms (bigger), and superlative forms (biggest). However, many other languages do not distinguish comparative from superlative forms.
Main article: Restrictiveness
Attributive adjectives, and other noun modifiers, may be used either restrictively (helping to identify the noun's referent, hence "restricting" its reference), or non-restrictively (helping to describe an already-identified noun). In some languages, such as Spanish, restrictiveness is consistently marked; for example, in Spanish la tarea difícil means "the difficult task" in the sense of "the task that is difficult" (restrictive), while la difícil tarea means "the difficult task" in the sense of "the task, which is difficult" (non-restrictive). In English, restrictiveness is not marked on adjectives, but is marked on relative clauses (the difference between "the man who recognized me was there" and "the man, who recognized me, was there" being one of restrictiveness).
In some languages adjectives alter their form to reflect the gender, case or number of the noun which they describe. This is often called agreement. Usually it takes the form of inflections at the end of the word, as in Latin: puella bona (good girl, feminine), puellam bonam (good girl, feminine accusative/object case), puer bonus (good boy, masculine), pueri boni (good boys, masculine plural). In the Celtic languages, however, initial consonant lenition marks the adjective with a feminine noun, as in Scottish Gaelic: balach math (good boy, masculine), nighean mhath (good girl, feminine). Often a distinction is made here between attributive and predicative usage. Where English is an example of a language where adjectives never agree and French of a language where they always agree, in German they agree only when used attributively, and in Hungarian only when used predicatively.
happy reading :)
Most but not all languages have adjectives. Those that do not typically use words of another part of speech, often verbs, to serve the same semantic function; for example, such a language might have a verb that means "to be big", and would use a construction analogous to "big-being house" to express what English expresses as "big house". Even in languages that do have adjectives, one language's adjective might not be another's; for example, while English uses "to be hungry" (hungry being an adjective), French and Spanish use "avoir faim" and "tener hambre" respectively (literally "to have hunger", hunger being a noun), and where Hebrew uses the adjective English uses the verb "to need".
Adjectives form an open class of words in most languages that have them; that is, it is relatively common for new adjectives to be formed via such processes as derivation.
1 Adjectives and adverbs
2 Determiners
3 Form
4 Adjectival phrases
5 Other noun modifiers
6 Adjective order
7 Comparison of adjectives
8 Restrictiveness
9 Agreement
10 See also
11 Bibliography
12 External links
Adjectives and adverbs
Many languages, including English, distinguish between adjectives, which qualify nouns and pronouns, and adverbs, which modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Not all languages have exactly this distinction, however, and many languages, including English, have words that can function as both. For example, in English fast is an adjective in "a fast car" (where it qualifies the noun car), but an adverb in "he drove fast" (where it modifies the verb drove)
Linguists today distinguish determiners from adjectives, considering them to be two separate parts of speech (or lexical categories), but formerly determiners were considered to be adjectives in some of their uses. In English dictionaries, which typically still do not treat determiners as their own part of speech, determiners are often recognizable by being listed both as adjectives and as pronouns. Determiners are words that are neither nouns nor pronouns, yet reference a thing already in context. Determiners generally do this by indicating definiteness (as in a vs. the), quantity (as in one vs. some vs. many), or another such property.
A given occurrence of an adjective can generally be classified into one of four kinds of uses:
Attributive adjectives are part of the noun phrase headed by the noun they modify; for example, happy is an attributive adjective in "happy people". In some languages, attributive adjectives precede their nouns; in others, they follow their nouns; and in yet others, it depends on the adjective, or on the exact relationship of the adjective to the noun. In English, attributive adjectives usually precede their nouns in simple phrases, but often follow their nouns when the adjective is modified or qualified by a phrase acting as an adverb. For example: "I saw three happy kids", and "I saw three kids happy enough to jump up and down with glee." See also Post-positive adjective.
Predicative adjectives are linked via a copula or other linking mechanism to the noun or pronoun they modify; for example, happy is a predicate adjective in "they are happy" and in "that made me happy." (See also: Predicative (adjectival or nominal), Subject complement.)
Absolute adjectives do not belong to a larger construction (aside from a larger adjective phrase), and typically modify either the subject of a sentence or whatever noun or pronoun they are closest to; for example, happy is an absolute adjective in "The boy, happy with his lollipop, did not look where he was going."
Nominal adjectives act almost as nouns. One way this can happen is if a noun is elided and an attributive adjective is left behind. In the sentence, "I read two books to them; he preferred the sad book, but she preferred the happy", happy is a nominal adjective, short for "happy one" or "happy book". Another way this can happen is in phrases like "out with the old, in with the new", where "the old" means, "that which is old" or "all that is old", and similarly with "the new". In such cases, the adjective functions either as a mass noun (as in the preceding example) or as a plural count noun, as in "The meek shall inherit the Earth", where "the meek" means "those who are meek" or "all who are meek".
Adjectival phrases
Main article: Adjectival phrase
An adjective acts as the head of an adjectival phrase. In the simplest case, an adjectival phrase consists solely of the adjective; more complex adjectival phrases may contain one or more adverbs modifying the adjective ("very strong"), or one or more complements (such as "worth several dollars", "full of toys", or "eager to please"). In English, attributive adjectival phrases that include complements typically follow their subject ("an evildoer devoid of redeeming qualities").
Other noun modifiers
In many languages, including English, it is possible for nouns to modify other nouns. Unlike adjectives, nouns acting as modifiers (called attributive nouns or noun adjuncts) are not predicative; a beautiful park is beautiful, but a car park is not "car". In plain English, the modifier often indicates origin ("Virginia reel"), purpose ("work clothes"), or semantic patient ("man eater"). However, it can generally indicate almost any semantic relationship. It is also common for adjectives to be derived from nouns, as in English boyish, birdlike, behavioral, famous, manly, angelic, and so on.
Many languages have special verbal forms called participles can act as noun modifiers. In some languages, including English, there is a strong tendency for participles to evolve into adjectives. English examples of this include relieved (the past participle of the verb relieve, used as an adjective in sentences (such as "I am so relieved to see you"), spoken (as in "the spoken word"), and going (the present participle of the verb go, used as an adjective in sentences such as "Ten dollars per hour is the going rate").
Other constructs that often modify nouns include prepositional phrases (as in English "a rebel without a cause"), relative clauses (as in English "the man who wasn't there"), other adjective clauses (as in English "the bookstore where he worked"), and infinitive phrases (as in English "cake to die for").
In relation, many nouns take complements such as content clauses (as in English "the idea that I would do that"); these are not commonly considered modifiers, however.
Adjective order
In many languages, attributive adjectives usually occur in a specific order. Generally, the adjective order in English is:
quantity or number
proper adjective (often nationality or other place of origin)
purpose or qualifier
So, in English, adjectives pertaining to size precede adjectives pertaining to age ("little old", not "old little"), which in turn generally precede adjectives pertaining to color ("old white", not "white old"). So, we would say "A nice (opinion) little (size) old (age) white (color) brick (material) house".
Due to borrowings from French, English has some adjectives which follow the noun as postmodifiers. They may even change meaning depending on whether they precede or follow, as in proper: They live in a proper town (a real town) vs. They live in the town proper (in the town itself).
This order may be more rigid in some languages than others; in some, like Spanish, it may only be a default (unmarked) word order, with other orders being permissible.
Comparison of adjectives
Main articles: Comparison (grammar) and Comparative
In many languages, adjectives can be compared. In English, for example, we can say that a car is big, that it is bigger than another is, or that it is the biggest car of all. Not all adjectives lend themselves to comparison, however; for example, the English adjective extinct is not considered comparable, in that it does not make sense to describe one species as "more extinct" than another. However, even most non-comparable English adjectives are still sometimes compared; for example, one might say that a language about which nothing is known is "more extinct" than a well-documented language with surviving literature but no speakers. This is not a comparison of the degree of intensity of the adjective, but rather the degree to which the object fits the adjective's definition.
Comparable adjectives are also known as "gradable" adjectives, because they tend to allow grading adverbs such as very, rather, and so on.
Among languages that allow adjectives to be compared in this way, different approaches are used. Indeed, even within English, two different approaches are used: the suffixes -er and -est, and the words more and most. (In English, the general tendency is for shorter adjectives and adjectives from Anglo-Saxon to use -er and -est, and for longer adjectives and adjectives from French, Latin, Greek, and other languages to use more and most.) By either approach, English adjectives therefore have positive forms (big), comparative forms (bigger), and superlative forms (biggest). However, many other languages do not distinguish comparative from superlative forms.
Main article: Restrictiveness
Attributive adjectives, and other noun modifiers, may be used either restrictively (helping to identify the noun's referent, hence "restricting" its reference), or non-restrictively (helping to describe an already-identified noun). In some languages, such as Spanish, restrictiveness is consistently marked; for example, in Spanish la tarea difícil means "the difficult task" in the sense of "the task that is difficult" (restrictive), while la difícil tarea means "the difficult task" in the sense of "the task, which is difficult" (non-restrictive). In English, restrictiveness is not marked on adjectives, but is marked on relative clauses (the difference between "the man who recognized me was there" and "the man, who recognized me, was there" being one of restrictiveness).
In some languages adjectives alter their form to reflect the gender, case or number of the noun which they describe. This is often called agreement. Usually it takes the form of inflections at the end of the word, as in Latin: puella bona (good girl, feminine), puellam bonam (good girl, feminine accusative/object case), puer bonus (good boy, masculine), pueri boni (good boys, masculine plural). In the Celtic languages, however, initial consonant lenition marks the adjective with a feminine noun, as in Scottish Gaelic: balach math (good boy, masculine), nighean mhath (good girl, feminine). Often a distinction is made here between attributive and predicative usage. Where English is an example of a language where adjectives never agree and French of a language where they always agree, in German they agree only when used attributively, and in Hungarian only when used predicatively.
happy reading :)
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
Jumat, 11 Februari 2011
capek juga yaa. aku merindukan kita yang dulu.
huah, pengen curhat, tapii gw gabisa. takut ganggu diaa. dia kan sibuuk. gw takut jadi cewek posesif egois. airmata gw ngalir begitu aja bikin note ini, mungkin gw kangen diaa .. kangeeen bangeet. maav ya gw bukan cewek yang baik. kadang gw capekk ngerasa ga diperhatiin. yasudahlah. apa pun yang dia lakuin , itu yg terbaiik.
*astagfirullah, bingung lagi.
*astagfirullah, bingung lagi.
Kamis, 10 Februari 2011
it's enough. may be.
well, disaat lagi down begini ga ada yang perhatiin gw. badan lemes. perut cenat-cenut*arrggh jijay. tapi cukup lah ya, meskipun bukan dari orang yang diharapkan, hari ini gw ketawa cukup kerass . :D sahabat memang lebihh 'ada' buat kita ketimbang orangtua sekalipun *masa'? itu sih menurut gw.
hari ini henpon butut*ceilee gw yg sangat gw cintai . *tinat tinut tinat tinut* gw angkat, eh ternyata teman gw semenjak SMP yg nelpon, gw kasian sih dia nelpon lebih 1,5 jam*gwkere. kita ngobrolin soal *tuuut* dan masa depan. hahahaha
thanks buat looo !!
oiya, besok gw udah migrasi lagi kepadang. mulai kuliah smt 2. gw bakal sibuk banget, jadi maav ya bloggie*namapanggilanbloggw kalo gw jarang apdet*sekarangjugajarang. ahhahah. doain gw sukses smt 2 ini yak !! IP lebih tinggi!! amin :))
hari ini henpon butut*ceilee gw yg sangat gw cintai . *tinat tinut tinat tinut* gw angkat, eh ternyata teman gw semenjak SMP yg nelpon, gw kasian sih dia nelpon lebih 1,5 jam*gwkere. kita ngobrolin soal *tuuut* dan masa depan. hahahaha
thanks buat looo !!
oiya, besok gw udah migrasi lagi kepadang. mulai kuliah smt 2. gw bakal sibuk banget, jadi maav ya bloggie*namapanggilanbloggw kalo gw jarang apdet*sekarangjugajarang. ahhahah. doain gw sukses smt 2 ini yak !! IP lebih tinggi!! amin :))
\(´▽`)/ akhirnya gw tau siapa DIA !! muak !!
gg tau harus mulai dariamana, dan tebakan gw tentang someone yang bisa nya cuma memanfaatkan keluguan gw selama ini BENAR 100 % !! sial lo !!
Selasa, 08 Februari 2011
it's me.
ini nih waktu ke Pantai bareng siLiza, gatau kapan.
gw gg tau kalo npantai Padang baguss begituu.ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐
Minggu, 06 Februari 2011
kata-kata bijak yang gw pelajari hari ini.\(´▽`)/
we must not be selfish in a relationship, remember! they do not fully belong to us even though we and they love each other today.
Hari ini memang sangat me lelahkan (⌣́_⌣̀)
huee lemes banget ni badan, faktornye banyak banget sih. yang pertama, gw tidurnya 2 jam doang tadi malem, gara-gara ngisi KRS yg ribet+goblok banget. (⌣́_⌣̀)
yang kedua, gw ga mandi-mandi sampe jam 3 sore, bayangin aja seAPEK apa badan gw.hueek, itu bikin gw males ngapa-ngapain. dan menyebabkan kantuk yg teramat sangat.zzz
yang ketiga, gue bersepeda keliling kota Pariamaan. mampus ni kaki, hati aja yg kuat, badan loyo. huaduhhh, pegel semuaa.
i have to go to mu beloveed bedroom now. bye hooaaamm..
yang kedua, gw ga mandi-mandi sampe jam 3 sore, bayangin aja seAPEK apa badan gw.hueek, itu bikin gw males ngapa-ngapain. dan menyebabkan kantuk yg teramat sangat.zzz
yang ketiga, gue bersepeda keliling kota Pariamaan. mampus ni kaki, hati aja yg kuat, badan loyo. huaduhhh, pegel semuaa.
i have to go to mu beloveed bedroom now. bye hooaaamm..
Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011
DONE !! ngisi KRS smt 2 sampe jam 4.
hahaaa. finally, meskipun harus ngurus jadwal bentrok, tetep seneng bisa ngisi 20 sks aja malam iniii..
jam 4 nihh , tidur dulu yakk ~~
jam 4 nihh , tidur dulu yakk ~~
antara FBSS dan FE
hoalah, malam ini gw bakal bertarung melawan teman-teman sefakultas gw di fbss dan anak2 dari fe saat mengisi KRS. huaa gw gamau dapet kelas malam, malam ini harus mulai jam 12. semoga ga ketiduraann hadeuuhhhh.
kalo sampai kalahh bisa-bisaa maboookk gw dikelas malem.
kalo sampai kalahh bisa-bisaa maboookk gw dikelas malem.
Selasa, 01 Februari 2011
bad feeling :(
gw udah lama ga update ni blog.karena gw jarang banget ol di Paraiaman, maklum liburan. akhir2 ini semenjak cowok gw balik ke Depok perasaan gw ga enak banget. gatau kenapa takut banget sm perpisahan kali ini, gw ga bilang sih ke dia. perpisahan kaliini lama banget menurut gw. :(
gw sering mimpi dia pergi dari gw, astagfirullah.
terakhir kita ketemu tgl 29 january kemaren, gw bikin kenangan sebanyak2nya sama dia agar bikin dia inget terus ke gw. sumpah gw nangisss :(
gw udah syg banget sm dia, semoga dia jugaa.
gw juga takut gw memiliki perasaan bosen nunggu dia, mantan pacar gw selalu usaha seketin gw, dia temen gw dari smp, gw ga bisa mutusin persahabatan sm dia, mekipun gw juga gamau berhubungan lagi sm dia, gw ga pernah mau menghianati cowok gw.
'Muhammad Audri sayang, aku selalu berharap kamu menjadi milikku, maav jarak kita terlalu jauh' :(
gw sering mimpi dia pergi dari gw, astagfirullah.
terakhir kita ketemu tgl 29 january kemaren, gw bikin kenangan sebanyak2nya sama dia agar bikin dia inget terus ke gw. sumpah gw nangisss :(
gw udah syg banget sm dia, semoga dia jugaa.
gw juga takut gw memiliki perasaan bosen nunggu dia, mantan pacar gw selalu usaha seketin gw, dia temen gw dari smp, gw ga bisa mutusin persahabatan sm dia, mekipun gw juga gamau berhubungan lagi sm dia, gw ga pernah mau menghianati cowok gw.
'Muhammad Audri sayang, aku selalu berharap kamu menjadi milikku, maav jarak kita terlalu jauh' :(
Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
Senin, 17 Januari 2011
isshh, muak. !!
gatau kenapa, awalnya ga pengen bikin disini, tapi ya gimana lah yaa. nyokap makin lama makin nyebelin , bikin BETE !! gue udah 18 taon kali buk, kok di bikin kayak baru 15 taon. ya kemana-mana harus di temenin , dipingit, sial.
mau gimana pun ya gue juga butuh hari dimana cuma ada gue sm temen gue. wajar kali gue minta jalan-jalan, ini kan liburan kuliah, kalo kejadiannya ga dibolehin kemana-mana gini lebih baik ke kampus deh sekalian , ga ngerti bangeet gue sm pemikiran orang tua. emang kali ya, orangg kalo udah tua makin menyebalkan dan banyak tingkah.
mau gimana pun ya gue juga butuh hari dimana cuma ada gue sm temen gue. wajar kali gue minta jalan-jalan, ini kan liburan kuliah, kalo kejadiannya ga dibolehin kemana-mana gini lebih baik ke kampus deh sekalian , ga ngerti bangeet gue sm pemikiran orang tua. emang kali ya, orangg kalo udah tua makin menyebalkan dan banyak tingkah.
Kamis, 13 Januari 2011
Rabu, 12 Januari 2011
Terimakasih Lizaa. :)
makasii ya izaa udah bantuin aku, huah aku gatau mo bikin apa untuuk itu, maklum bego dan goblok. (>o<)
huah mudah-mudahan dia suka, eh btw tu kata-kat ga lebay yak? hahaaa. waktu berputar begitu cepat, jadi deg-degan nunjukin nya, upss, ntar aku posting 'apa' yang aku bikin sm izaa ini.
huah mudah-mudahan dia suka, eh btw tu kata-kat ga lebay yak? hahaaa. waktu berputar begitu cepat, jadi deg-degan nunjukin nya, upss, ntar aku posting 'apa' yang aku bikin sm izaa ini.
Selasa, 11 Januari 2011
sorry . \\(`0`)//
Well, udah beberapa hari ga buka blog, sorry . \(>0<)/
Hari ini aku kembalii, yeey, btw, beberapa hari ini aku ke Pariaman,jadi ga sempet online, males sih, dikarenakan banyak masalah . fuuhh.
besok aku UAS terkahir semester 1 nih, berharap aja Allah bakal ngasi jalan, tapi aku yakin bangett aku bisa, insyaAllah. Semangatttt !!!!
Hari ini aku kembalii, yeey, btw, beberapa hari ini aku ke Pariaman,jadi ga sempet online, males sih, dikarenakan banyak masalah . fuuhh.
besok aku UAS terkahir semester 1 nih, berharap aja Allah bakal ngasi jalan, tapi aku yakin bangett aku bisa, insyaAllah. Semangatttt !!!!
Selasa, 04 Januari 2011
assalamualaikum. :)
*efek dari UAS PABP hari ini..
hahaa, ini hari kedua gua UAS. ga mengecewakan, tapii agak gemes aja tadi, hahaaa. mudah-mudahan nilainya A. amiiiiiiiin. hari ini pokoknya hari yang menyenangkan, gue ngajak temen2 gue ketemu nyokap. Marliza Nurhayati , Yolanda Fatmasari, Siska Meilani, dan Anna Kurnia . awalnya mereka nyangka nyokap orangnya pendiem, yee mereka gatau aja nyokap gue juga ceriwis kayak gueee. *:DD, kitaa juga makan dipantaii, ajeb dah pokoknya, kapan-kapan gue mau ngajak mereka ke Pariaman tercintaaaa
eh gue makan malam dulu, ayah si liza udah manggil :p
*efek dari UAS PABP hari ini..
hahaa, ini hari kedua gua UAS. ga mengecewakan, tapii agak gemes aja tadi, hahaaa. mudah-mudahan nilainya A. amiiiiiiiin. hari ini pokoknya hari yang menyenangkan, gue ngajak temen2 gue ketemu nyokap. Marliza Nurhayati , Yolanda Fatmasari, Siska Meilani, dan Anna Kurnia . awalnya mereka nyangka nyokap orangnya pendiem, yee mereka gatau aja nyokap gue juga ceriwis kayak gueee. *:DD, kitaa juga makan dipantaii, ajeb dah pokoknya, kapan-kapan gue mau ngajak mereka ke Pariaman tercintaaaa
eh gue makan malam dulu, ayah si liza udah manggil :p
Senin, 03 Januari 2011
hueeee, BETE BETE !!
actually exam nya lancar, tapi yaa itu, agak SUSAH. :p
yang bikin ga pusing itu yaa SPEAKING nyaa, hee seneng jadi anggota club debate, jadi menguntungkan exam nya. HAHAHAHAHA
memang ini pertama kalinyaa gue mengikuti UAS, ga kayak SMA dulu, ujainnya bisa nyontek sana- nyontek sini, tapi sekarang real murni banget hasil keringat usaha dan doa gue, tapii GREAT lah hheee...
nunggu beberapa hari ini kayaknya lama banget ya,, WISH ME LUCK !!!
actually exam nya lancar, tapi yaa itu, agak SUSAH. :p
yang bikin ga pusing itu yaa SPEAKING nyaa, hee seneng jadi anggota club debate, jadi menguntungkan exam nya. HAHAHAHAHA
memang ini pertama kalinyaa gue mengikuti UAS, ga kayak SMA dulu, ujainnya bisa nyontek sana- nyontek sini, tapi sekarang real murni banget hasil keringat usaha dan doa gue, tapii GREAT lah hheee...
nunggu beberapa hari ini kayaknya lama banget ya,, WISH ME LUCK !!!
hmmm.. so sweet
inget banget waktu punya masalah sama 'pria' ini, kadang masalah sepele kami permasalahkan, buat adink, meskipun aku sering bikin adink UPSET dan merasa aku 'CALEDAK' , adink perlu tau kalo aku ga pernaH merubah rasa cintaku sm adink.
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