Me and My Story

Me and My Story
Adriani Triharry Rosemerry / 18 yo / let's blogging !!

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Because He Is Amazing

Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
NIM : 18247 / 2010 / K4
Because He Is Amazing
When I was in elementary school, there is someone who made my weekends very enjoyable. Not because of the holiday weekend, not because of the cartoon show on television, but because of my oldest brother, I always waited for him. I really enjoy every time with him, everything he does is always great, he was the pride of my family.
When he stepped on the age of 15 years, he decided to live apart from our parents. Every weekend he came home with a soothing smile. At the end of the semester, I've always been a little bit jeaulous, because his good grades are always challenged me. With the spirit of pursuing his ideals, he graduated from senior high school and continues studying to university. He always does all things with all his heart, nothing impossible in his life.
My mom is always smiling with surprising things he did. Just like when he graduated in civil engineering with honors. Every night he read the book to reach his goal of continuing her education to S2 ITB. When the letter of graduation announcement came, he opened the envelope from the post office with cold running dried on his forehead. She believes that god is always there with him, he always walked with confidence to meet the next day's mystery.
I feel his voice trembled when he answered a call from our mother. His voice softly as if to show that he will soon come home safe and bring happiness to our parents. I'm sure, despite his fragile want to go home, his legs still running arrange the pieces of her life is not complete. Once again, he completed his studies in a short time. With a smile that broke, he welcomed the arrival we witnessed the historic day as master of engineering. He was the brother who never gave up.
I often look into his eyes; there I got the answer that he was very satisfied, because it has made our mother smiled loose. Now he teaches me, that life is a struggle that is very beautiful, is not hard but challenging, memories and spirit of it is always pictured in my mind, though he said that the ideals to be achieved with great confidence against ourselves. I believe that all the things we want to depend on our efforts to pursue and look for it.

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