Me and My Story

Me and My Story
Adriani Triharry Rosemerry / 18 yo / let's blogging !!

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

My Story

I was born 16 November 1992 in the town of Pariaman, West Sumatra. I was born early in the morning when everyone was praying Shubuh. My parents are natives of Minangkabau. we do not have mixed blood, however I was born with bright skin. My family is a simple and harmonious family, it made me grow into a cheerful child. I was the third of four brothers, and I was the only daughter. My third brother was always spoiling me. Nevertheless , I am not open with all my brothers.
when I was three years old, my parents find hidden talent in me. They know if I really like singing. They tried to register me into a studio vocals, but I refused. In elementary school, I participated in the school choir. I also follow the school choir during high school junior and senior high school. Frankly, did I really like singing, but always be ashamed to appear in public. One day when the senior high school, I very bravely singing contest in my town, and I represent my city in western Sumatra after the contest. Since then that I am no longer ashamed to appear in public.
I was so obsessed with becoming a doctor. Therefore I always try to actively and diligently. Since junior high school I started to like biology lesson, but when I entered high school senior I do not want anymore to be a doctor. I tried to love the English language because I want to be a student of international relations at the university. My parents did not approve of my ideals. After graduating high school seniors to continue my education in English majors, as recommended my parents.
Although now I'm not in the majors that I did not want, but I am very happy and enjoy studying in the department of English. I hope I can apply the knowledge I had acquired in this course to others in the community. I believe that one day I can be a professor or a great ambassador.

*dedicated to my beloved lecturer

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