Me and My Story

Me and My Story
Adriani Triharry Rosemerry / 18 yo / let's blogging !!

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Muhammad Audri

dear bloggie, i do apologize before to Muhammad Audri, because name of this note is his name.

I have known him for more than a year ago, initially we only knew each other in a social networking, facebook. he lived in bukittinggi, while I lived in pariaman. but as the running time, I felt something strange, something that makes me always want to close. he is shy lelaku very funny to me. all he does is something that can make me laugh. April 1, 2010, we deliberately changed the status on facebook from single to married. I thought he did not come to myhometown. there our first time meeting. meeting even add my curiosity about him. I started to really like him. because I have to follow the guidance to learn to bandung, we were separated in a great distance for 2 months. before leaving, with a very surprising he would take me away.

to be continued :)

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