Me and My Story

Me and My Story
Adriani Triharry Rosemerry / 18 yo / let's blogging !!

Minggu, 03 April 2011

She is A Tough Girl


Memories of senior high school always pictured when I met this girl. She is a beautiful girl with black glasses. Climb the school fence, punished when it comes to school late, and the fight was her habit. Sometimes, I miss her joke, I miss her laugh. Although she has many problems, she is tough woman who always face the problem without tears. She believes that women are very strong, awesome, and mighty.
Her big eyes make small children cry when they are around. Sometimes he just laughed when a child says that he is a monster. Although the children rarely are like her, she is a woman who loved children, always buy candy for the kids around her house if her money left over. She has long fingers and pretty fingers. When she writes, she uses a pen as if dancing on paper. She always said that someday he would write a letter to the president of Indonesia.
Her goal is to become a stewardess. She always did exercise every Sunday morning for her high increases. But it was no longer done when she knows that his parents wanted her to become a lawyer. When her parents forbid her desire, she did not cry at all, she believes her parent’s choice is the best choice.
One thing she did not like about herself that is her nose. She does not have a sharp nose. If he went to the rest room, she was always facing the mirror and said if his nose is weird. Sometimes I also feel offended if he told his nose was similar to my nose, and then he laughed. Even so, she remained positive thinking that god loves her very much because she has no defects.

Although her life full of joy, one thing is for sure, her heart was sick, in her heart he cried. Both of her parents have been divorced. Sometimes she feels are not getting the attention of both parents. Their parents are too busy. If he was cycling to school, I knew that she was sad. Her long legs would pedal his red bike wherever he wants. I know that she is a strong girl, never cry despite the problems feel heavy for her.
She is a friend and teacher to me. She has sharp words but meaningful. She is a tough girl. Her problems made her more mature. I'm sure; god will give the best course for strong people like her. People who never gave up and tough.

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