Me and My Story

Me and My Story
Adriani Triharry Rosemerry / 18 yo / let's blogging !!

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Food Around the World

assignments by MR.Zainil

Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
Nim : 18247 / 2010
Class : K4-10

Food Around the World

1. Bobotie
(South African) This popular meal is made of minced lamb or beef; bread, rice or potatoes, onions, and spices. The ingredients are mixed with egg and milk and baked.

2. Cassoulet
(French) This casserole, which means “white bean stew,” is made of white beans, sausage, bacon, tomatoes, carrots, herbs, and other vegetables simmered and is simmered and baked.

3. dim sum
(Chinese) This meal is usually eaten as breakfast or lunch at a restaurant. Waiters push around trays loaded with noodles, dumplings, vegetables, and meat. Diners are served bite-sized portions in small bamboo cups.

4. Enchilada
(Mexican) In this rich dish, a soft corn tortilla is stuffed with shredded cheese, onions, chilies, and sometimes meat. It’s either broiled or fried and topped with salsa and cheese.

5. Feijoada
(Brazil) This is one of the most popular dishes in Brazil. It’s a stew of black beans, pork, and spices. Pigs’ feet and ears are sometimes included in the mix.

6. Moussaka
(Greek) Considered Greece’s signature dish, this casserole is made of lamb, eggplant, tomatoes, and spices.

7. pad thai
(Thai) This Thai staple features rice noodles stir-fried with peanuts, oil, vegetables, and usually tofu, chicken, or fish

8. risotto
(Italian) This creamy, starchy rice dish is made by gradually adding boiling liquid, usually broth, to Arborio rice and sautéed onions. It’s cooked al dente (firm to the bite). Vegetables and seafood are often added during the cooking process.

9. Samosas
(Indian) These snacks are made of meat, potatoes, vegetables, and spices stuffed inside pastry dough and fried in oil.

10. Sushi
(Japanese) This popular meal typically includes cooked rice that is either topped with raw or cooked fish or rolled into small, bite-size pieces with fish and vegetables and wrapped in thin sheets of seaweed. It’s usually served in with slivered ginger and wasabi, a spicy plant in the mustard family.

11. Suya
(Nigerian) This spicy dish is made of cubed chicken or beef marinated in ground peanuts, hot pepper, garlic, ginger, and other spices and grilled on skewers.

Name : Adriani Triharry Rosemerry
Nim : 18247 / 2010
Class : K4-10
Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that form in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters. Evaporation from the seawater increases their power.

Hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around an “eye.” Hurricanes have winds at least 74 miles per hour. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds, and heavy waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. The heavy waves are called a storm surge. Storm surges are very dangerous and a major reason why people MUST stay away from the ocean during a hurricane warning or hurricane.
Hurricane Classification
Hurricanes are classified into five categories, based on their wind speeds and potential to cause damage.
Category One—Winds 74-95 miles per hour
Category Two—Winds 96-110 miles per hour
Category Three—Winds 111-130 miles per hour
Category Four—Winds 131-155 miles per hour
Category Five—Winds greater than 155 miles per hour

In the U.S., the official hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30, but hurricanes can happen any time of the year. Hurricanes are named by the National Weather Service. Some recent hurricanes have been named Opal, Andrew, Marilyn, Hugo and Fran.
Terms to Know
Hurricane Watch A hurricane is possible within 36 hours. Stay tuned to the radio and television for more information. The Hurricane Center is tracking the storm and trying to predict where it may come ashore.

Hurricane Warning A hurricane is expected within 24 hours. You may be told to evacuate. You and your family should begin making preparations to evacuate

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