Aku adalah Tulisanku
it's all about my story, my life, my adventures. :)
Me and My Story

Adriani Triharry Rosemerry / 18 yo / let's blogging !!
Minggu, 26 Februari 2012
BL or E
you will feel a little bit confused when you read the title,right? if you're a college student, you will already realize that is all about the result of test in university. today my K4, yupp my class, have had a public speaking class at 7 A.M. at 7.45 one of my classmates came late, without permission of my lecturer she come in. our lecturer Mr. R got angry because of her attitude is bad. my lecturer said if it happens again, oll of members on my class will get E or BL :(. i hope it will not happen. aamiin.
Rabu, 11 Januari 2012
this is the new life in 2012
yeah , it's already 2012. new year, new semester, 4th semester. anw, the result of my 3rd semester was little bit disatisdied, but i keep thanks to my only Lord that always gives me the strongness and love, Allah SWT :)im gonna share my IP and IPK, but there is a pronlem here, and i decided to delay it, keep waiting bloggi e:)
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
This is the end of my third semester, I did my best to final exam, I do believe and hope that everything's gonna be fine and got 4 for my IP, aamiin ya Robb. I will not tell about something important, but surely I will tell you about my friendship. Recently I realized that a friend is what we called a person who will listening about our sadness or happiness and a person who will speak up when we stay on wrong way.
Yeah, I do have a friend, I love her, my love to her as big as my love to my others best friend, but I realized she doesn't do the same. She makes a war side with me behind me. I don't know what exactly happened till she judge me as a girl with no feeling or someone who always respect to every boy. I'm not such a kind of girl that she thought. I have no words anymore to write. When Im remembering this, my tears always falling down slowly
Kamis, 10 November 2011
morning, today i feel like doing everything. i woke up with a wide smile, everything seems beautiful, im pretty sure that something will be happened. amen #cheers :)
Rabu, 02 November 2011
Thanks for remembering me, boy.
accidentaly I opened and read your twit. I saw words by words, and you know I got BIG shocked!!
these words " ini udah november ya? serasa baru kemarin lewatin november tahun lalu. aaa, time flies so fast. :) " . it was embarassed for me.
and these words perfectly made me become RED " Teringat seseorang.. ap kabar dirimu di sana? kadang ingin bertanya, tapi.. ya sudahlah, Tuhan brsamamu kok, selalu memberikanmu yg terbaik.
thanks boy, thanks for remembering me.
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
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